Monday, November 5, 2012

about my family

We    have    11    people     in    our    family  in    clouding    me       we    have    a     13   year   old   a    11     year   old    a     9    year    old    a     8     year   old       a    6    year    old       a      3     year     old       a    2     year    old      a     1     year   old      and      a      baby    due   in     December       and    two     32     year    old.  

about me

Hi   i   am    9   years    old    i   like    building    models    my    favorite    color   is    green    i    know    how    to  play   the    piano    i    have   my    own    face book    page  

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Glass Vase

I made this vase and I am selling it for $4.00 +shipping. It is about 5 inches tall.  Please send me a message if you are interested in buying it.  Here's the story I wrote about it.
 Once upon a time there was two kids named Jack and Elizabeth. Jack went outside once and he wanted to dig. So he started digging and he found something. It was a glass vase. He did not know what to do with it? 

"I will give it to mom, ya, so I will go home and give it to mom. Ok here I go." 

So he went home and gave it to mom.  

Elizabeth said, "wait what is that?" 

"It's a glass vase," said Jack. 

"Cool," said Elizabeth.  

"Go wash your hands it's time for lunch," said mom.  

"Yes mom," said Jack. :) "Hey mom what's for lunch?" Jack said.  

"Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and milk." 

"Yum!" said Jack.  

"Hey mom," said Elizabeth, "can I make lunch?" 

"Sure," said mom. "Do you kids want to have picnic in the park?" 

"Yeah!" said Jack and Elizabeth.  So they went on the picnic. When they got back, Jack and Elizabeth played chess and then they had dinner and they went to bed. 

                                             The end